What type of activities does your organization implement in Camp Coordination and Camp Management sector?

During the last two years, 2021-2022 contributed to paying some of the cost of medical surgeries for 15 patients in Sana’a and Amanat al-Asimah. The medical surgeries focused on Eyes operation, Caesarean, The process of closing an opening in the intestine, Excessive process, Tonsil, Cardiac, Pancreatic stones process, and Stroke. Also, Mona Relief participated in buying medicine for 44 patients during 2021-2022 and in a field visit to patients in al-Kuwait hospital Mona Relief 66 patients with cash assistance.

The total budget during 2021-2022 is $8,262

A) Activities for Overall CCCM site-level supervision which include:

    • Establishment of the SMC team (static or mobile)

    • Coordinate the operational entities, provision, access to services, and protection by implementing the CCCM Referral and Escalation System, Multi-sectoral referral mechanisms through the CCCM cluster, and IPs.

    • Monitor and respond to HLP issues and eviction status.

B) Activities for mobilization and participation of the inhabitants in the site include:

    • Identify or establish 8 community focal points # 4 committees consisting of 2 members (50% members are women 10 % are PWD).

    • Organizing #3 sites/area level coordination meetings with community committees and services providers.

    • Ensure that different gender and vulnerable or minority groups are represented and participate in the established representation structures, 20 regular meetings will be held at the site level with community committees in a total of 4 meetings a month.

    • Enable the participation of the inhabitants in supervisory structures through capacity building.

    • 20 regular meetings and capacity-building sessions will be held at the site level with community committees.

    • implement enhanced 3 community-based projects to respond to gaps including site development, infrastructure improvements, and livelihood activities for 1517 affected persons in the three sites.
    • Mobilization and participation of the inhabitants of the 3 sites for supervision and maintenance of infrastructure through CFW programs for 50 Vulnerable persons in all targeted sites by the QIPs.

C) Activities for two-way communication with people living on the site include:

    • Produce and disseminate information material as posters, brochures, billboards regarding assistance both to the population living in the site and to other interested parties in local language that include 20 awareness sessions and PSS.

    • Establish 3 complaints and feedback and complaint mechanisms at the site level to collect, analyze, share, refer and/or take action regarding the population’s complaints and feedback.

Activities will be monitored through field visits, regular reports reviews and meetings, FGD, Post construction monitoring of community-led projects and site maintenance projects, CFM tools, and MEAL assistance. MR is currently working in coordination with CCCM, WASH, Nutrition, Shelter\ NFIs, and FSAC in most IDPs sites in Sana’a and Amran Govs. Also, it has a good experience and access to intervention locations in Amant Al Asemah (Sana’a) governorate. This project is in line with YHF first Standard Allocation strategy 2022 which focuses on the response for the Newly Displacement and most vulnerable IDPs and host communities by Provision of emergency, life-saving such as CCCM services. Furthermore, the project reflects the YHRP third objective of protecting and assisting civilians.